
The Java library to encode (and decode) 3D (also 2D) DGGS code for the Point cloud

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Java CI with Maven Software License Tag version

Java PD-Code Library

This Java library supports to handling 3D PD-Code (e.g., encoding and decoding.)

Note that, PD-Code is one of type of Morton code, especially DGGS Morton for the point cloud. It is introduced from “Utilizing a discrete global grid system for handling point clouds with varying locations, times, and levels of detail.”

From the 0.5.0 version, this project includes the Geogrid project code for using ISEA projection. It is a modified fit for this project.


How to use

jcenter https://jcenter.bintray.com/

aist.dprt dggs-code {tag.version}


You can browse the javadoc for more information.




This project is under the MIT License - see the License